Our Process: 

Each family's journey at Sprout begins with a complementary phone call with our clinical director, Dani Leon or Associate Clinical Director, Melissa Weil. This conversation is an opportunity to share your experiences, ask questions, and/or find out more about OT in general or Sprout’s unique approach and specific policies. We can help you determine the best next steps that make the most sense for you and your family. You may also schedule an OT evaluation at this time if you feel ready to move forward.

Our Evaluations:

Our evaluations are designed with your child’s comfort in mind, because when children are at ease, we can most effectively observe and assess their natural responses and capabilities. Accordingly, our evaluations are mostly qualitative in nature. During their first time in the clinic, we use spontaneous play along with clinical observations as tolerated to glean valuable information about many areas of your child’s development. Typically, children don’t want to leave this appointment because it feels so good to have their sensory needs met and be offered “just right” opportunities in play. We then put those pieces of the puzzle together in a comprehensive report to capture our observations and recommendations.

These appointments are followed up with a phone call so that we can speak more freely with you about our observations. If we all agree that occupational therapy would be beneficial and you are ready to move forward, we will work with your family to schedule sessions with one of our therapists.

Ongoing Support:

Therapy sessions all occur with a member of our skilled and talented team of therapists, who are all licensed and registered OTs. Each session is 50 minutes in length and takes place in one of our specially designed clinic rooms, typically either 1 or 2 times per week. Children experience these sessions as fun, and they often cannot wait to come back the following week! 

Our work is designed to build new neurological pathways that are more adaptive and that allow your child to experience more success and confidence in how they move through the world and manage their daily activities. This takes time. However, if we work in developmentally appropriate ways and in the context of a trusting relationship, we will typically see progress in leaps and bounds.

Within the first month or so of therapy, we collaborate with you to determine specific and measurable goals for your child’s therapy. These allow us to track our work to make sure that we are having a relevant and meaningful impact in the life of your child and family. We also stay in consistent communication with you during sessions, via emails, phone calls and parent conferences, etc., all the way through to your child’s graduation from OT :)

Moving Forward:

If you would like to get started, feel free to email our clinical director, Dani Leon at Dani@SproutCTC.com or text her at (310) 918-3733. Text or email is often the easiest way to get started and schedule an initial phone consult with Dani.